Wednesday, April 24, 2019

If you follow this blog I apologize, I haven’t kept up with it. A lot has happened since my last post.
I’ve had many tests since my last post and some of the results are, I have vertigo (though not caused by MS it seems to be exacerbated by my MS) which explains why I’m dizzy a alot. I had a neuropsychology exam which concluded I scored above average where others with MS score below but I do have short term memory issues. Basically, I have to work extra hard to remember things. The worse though is I have optic neuritis in my right eye which explains why I’m half blind when I’ve exerted myself or mid-day comes around. My last MRI in November (2018) was a six-month checkup of starting Tecfidera and it showed a new, but inactive lesion in my brain. However, since it is inactive my neurologist wants to wait until my next MRI in May to see if nothing changes from then before deciding to change my medication. And lastly, I’ve had to step down/quit my job that I held for twelve years because I just couldn’t do it. My last day was March 28. That was the hardest of it all. So yeah, it has been a crazy last six months.
How I feel daily is tiredness and fatigue, dizziness and weakness and a rollercoaster of emotions. With my optic neuritis whenever I exert myself, even minimally I lose my sight. Even just showering causes vision issues. So looking for a job is hard. My wife Tracie is amazing and is now the primary breadwinner and all I can do is stay at home doing chores or help her in her law office as long as I can see. So that is my update.
I do hope to get back blogging regularly, I hope. So stay tuned, please.

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